Final Automotive Materials Stewardship ISP As we await a decision by Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) on AMS’ ISP, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank our stakeholders for their feedback on the plan and share with you the final version of the ISP, which was submitted to WDO for their consideration. Changes to the plan include: Confirmation of the target: “AMS will seek to maintain Stewardship Ontario’s reported performance for 2015, discounted for any contamination by non-Automotive Materials commingled with Automotive Materials, where such performance exceeds the targets.” Read more »
WDO Announces AMS ISP: Webinar Resources WDO has announced that they’ve received an Industry Stewardship Plan (ISP) from the Automotive Materials Stewardship Inc. (AMS) to manage antifreeze/antifreeze containers, oil filters, and oil containers. You can view the announcement here. The ISP is available here. Webinars were held on April 5 and 7, 2016 to introduce the ISP to stewards. Read more »
Introducing Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) Automotive Materials Stewardship Inc. (AMS) was established to represent the interests of Canadian businesses by creating convenient, environmentally sustainable ways for consumers to recycle waste from the automotive sector. We are a national, non-profit organization, bringing together key players to achieve better recycling performance. We’re industry-led and industry-funded, working on behalf of Canadian businesses that participate in stewardship programs, as well as partnering with provincial stewardship organizations, provincial governments, local governments and waste management companies to provide recycling and waste management services. Read more »