RPRA approves process for MHSW residual funds The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) has approved Stewardship Ontario’s addendum to the MHSW Wind Up Plan that outlines the process of returning residual funds to stewards once the program is in its final wind up phase in 2022. The residual funds process reflects the position advanced by Automotive Materials Stewardship and supported by the membership. The following summarizes key points of the addendum: MHSW Program residual funds will be distributed to existing Stewardship Ontario stewards and ISP members who are in good standing. Each steward’s share of residual funds in each material category will be determined using a surplus fund fee reduction methodology. Stewardship Ontario will disburse a lump sum payment to AMS and other ISP operators, which will in turn distribute residual funds to individual ISP Members in accordance with an approved residual fund share formula. Stewardship Ontario will distribute residual funds directly to its registered stewards. AMS will keep members advised about the distribution of residual funds over the coming months. More information on the addendum and the MHSW Wind Up Plan is available here on the Stewardship Ontario website.