Make AMS your PRO

AMS provides producers the best-value, low-risk option for complying with the requirements of Ontario’s HSP Regulation.

Producers new to the Ontario market or considering a switch in PRO service providers are encouraged to use our checklist to confirm regulatory compliance.

Complete three steps to make AMS your PRO:

Register with AMS

Register with AMS

Current users of the WeRecycle Portal will need to update account and contact information.

Producers new to the Portal will first need to create an account.

Register with the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority

Register with the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority

RPRA will confirm your producer obligation status.

Obligated producers will pay a registry fee and receive a RPRA Registry ID.

Producers switching to AMS need to inform RPRA of changes to their PRO services provider.

Complete the AMS Customer Agreement

Complete the AMS Customer Agreement

Agreement will be provided following AMS registration.

Needs to be signed by authorized signing authority and uploaded to the Portal with Registry ID.

Our Producer Responsibility Organization offers a range of business advantages to our customers, including a province-wide collection system to meet producers’ regulatory obligations and a strong network of transporters and processors that provide sustainable environmental outcomes for your materials.

The AMS Registration Guide provides details for each step, and you can obtain our Customer Agreement, guidance documents and policies by completing a request form.

Producers interested in learning more about our services can contact us directly for assistance with any questions: or 1-888-575-4870.