AMS preparing to serve producers under new regulation

As Ontario prepares for a new regulatory framework for recycling hazardous and special waste, Automotive Materials Stewardship intends to become a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) and continue providing producers with efficient services to meet their obligations.

With the wind up of Stewardship Ontario’s Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program by June 30, 2021, our operational responsibility under the industry stewardship plan (ISP) for automotive materials (used antifreeze and antifreeze containers, oil filters and empty oil containers) operated by AMS since 2017 will end at the same time. Read more »

AMS extends current fee schedule for 2021

The current fee schedule that Automotive Materials Stewardship announced in July has been extended to Q2 2021 reports of Q1 sales (due April 30).

The May 1, 2021, invoices will be the final quarter of fee reductions related to the MHSW Surplus Return and likely the final quarter under the existing Industry Stewardship Plan. Read more »

AMS provides required member data to RPRA

Automotive Materials Stewardship was recently required to make information disclosures to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) that include member-specific data.

RPRA sent AMS a Notice of Compliance Requirement to provide data on the “total supply of Antifreeze, Oil Containers and Oil Filters for 2017, 2018 and 2019 reported by stewards in units and kilograms, by steward and year.” Read more »

AMS announces material fee reductions

Automotive Materials Stewardship has received $18.6 million from Stewardship Ontario as its share of MHSW Program reserves and is introducing fee reductions for all material categories to distribute the funds to members. (See Fee Reduction Schedules below.)

Under the Industry Stewardship Organization Surplus Fund Transfer Addendum to the MHSW Wind Up Plan recently approved by the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority, the following surplus amounts have been received by AMS for each material category:

  • Antifreeze         $1.9 Million
  • Oil Filters          $8.7 Million
  • Oil Containers  $8.0 Million

AMS members will begin to receive fee reduction notices with the distribution of the Q3 invoices (for Q2 sales volumes) on August 4, 2020 (due to August 1 occurring on the holiday weekend). Read more »

2019 Annual Report

We are pleased to share with you our third Annual Report showcasing AMS’s program performance, financials and accomplishments throughout 2019.

2019 Highlights:

• 165 members registered with the program.

• Met or exceeded our key budget and performance targets.

• Over 2,800 tonnes of used antifreeze and antifreeze containers were collected and recycled. Read more »

AMS seeks new Director to join the Board

Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is seeking a qualified Director to join the Board.

Candidates must be employed by a company that is a member in good standing of the program.

A profile of the qualities and criteria that AMS is seeking for this this voluntary position is available here.

Interested candidates can submit their curriculum vitae to the attention of the Board Chair at Read more »

AMS to participate in consultations on MHSW surplus funds

Members of Automotive Materials Stewardship are advised that Stewardship Ontario will be consulting with stakeholders in May on amendments to the MHSW Wind Up Plan related to the management of surplus funds.

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks recently sent Stewardship Ontario a letter directing the organization to develop amendments to the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan which would return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations in one lump sum transfer. Read more »

Payment Terms Extended for AMS Members

As organizations everywhere respond to the unprecedented demands of the COVID-19 pandemic, Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is offering its members payment support for current and pending invoices during this difficult time.

We recognize some AMS members are experiencing significant disruption and financial hardship. To assist businesses who are unable to meet invoice payment deadlines, the grace period for penalties and interest is being temporarily extended to 90 days. Read more »

COVID-19 update

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we wanted to provide some information on our operations and the importance of communication in the coming weeks.

The AMS office and WeRecycle Portal continue to operate at full capacity and AMS has instituted plans to maintain the continuity of our management of the program. Read more »

RPRA consultation on MHSW reserve funds

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) recently released for consultation the MHSW Wind Up Plan submitted by Stewardship Ontario. The Wind Up Plan and details on RPRA’s consultation sessions are available here.

Automotive Materials Stewardship is pleased that Stewardship Ontario has recommended a fee reduction approach for all materials, including those managed by Industry Stewardship Plans, as the method to distribute MHSW Program reserves. Read more »

AMS 2020 Fees and MHSW Program Update

2020 Fee Stability

The Automotive Materials Stewardship Board of Directors is pleased to advise that the 2020 fee schedule maintains 2019 rates for antifreeze, antifreeze containers, oil containers and oil filters. Details on fees are available here.

Advocacy on MHSW Program Wind Up

AMS is continuing its efforts to ensure surplus funds accumulated by Stewardship Ontario’s Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program are fairly allocated amongst stewards. Read more »

AMS requests member support for MHSW surplus funds

Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) is asking members to help ensure that surplus funds from the wind up of the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program are fairly allocated amongst stewards.

As part of the current Phase Two consultations by Stewardship Ontario, four options have been proposed for the portion of the surplus related to materials managed by Industry Stewardship Plans (presentation with options is available here). Read more »

2018 Annual Report

AMS is pleased to share our 2018 Annual Report showcasing our program performance, financials and accomplishments over our second year in operation.

Report highlights:

  • 153 members registered with the program.
  • Exceeded all collection and recycling targets.
  • Over 2,400 tonnes of used antifreeze and antifreeze containers were collected and recycled.
  • Over 3,300 tonnes of used oil containers were collected and recycled.
Read more »

Stewardship Ontario MHSW Wind Up Consultation Information

As per direction from the Minister, Stewardship Ontario is holding a service provider-focused consultation webinar on proposed elements of its proposed MHSW Wind Up Plan on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. EST.  The plan is to be submitted by June 30, 2019 and will detail how the wind up will be completed by December 31, 2020.  Read more »

AMS 2019 fee rates

The board of Automotive Materials Stewardship (AMS) on September 26 approved 2019 fee rates. With the exception of a decrease in the rate for small oil filters, rates for all other material categories are unchanged from 2018.

The 2019 fee rates apply to the sales quantities for the period January 1, 2019 – March 31, 2019 (Q1).  Read more »

2017 Annual Report

AMS is pleased to share with you our first annual report showcasing our smooth transition, program performance, financials and accomplishments over our first year in operation.

2017 Highlights:

  • Smoothly launched on April 1, 2017, with no disruption to supply chain operations.
  • 131 members joined the program by December 31, 2017
  • Exceeded all collection and recycling performance targets.
Read more »

Minister Directs Stewardship Ontario to Wind Up the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program

On Thursday, April 12, 2018, Stewardship Ontario received direction from the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to wind up the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program by December 31, 2020. Once the wind up occurs, materials collected under the MHSW program, including under industry stewardship plans such as the one operated by AMS, will be managed according to an individual producer responsibility framework under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (RRCEA).
Read more »

AMS Claims Share of Reserve Funds Held by Stewardship Ontario

AMS has corresponded with the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) to support members receiving their share of reserves held by Stewardship Ontario upon the wind-up of the MHSW Program, if not sooner. Links to the correspondence are below.

Members of AMS’s Industry Stewardship Plan for the management of used antifreeze, oil containers and oil filters previously paid fees for these materials to Stewardship Ontario under the MHSW Program, which accumulated reserve funds in accordance with its reserve policy. Read more »