AMS Board of Directors Update – 2024

AMS is pleased to announce the election of Tony Laguardia and Jeff Mason to the Board of Directors. Tony is the Vice-President, Auto Merchandise, Tires & Service for Canadian Tire and Jeff is the Retail Lubricants Manager for Shell Canada. Tony and Jeff bring extensive industry and business experience and their professional backgrounds ensure that the AMS Board continues to have representation across a range of materials and sectors. Read more »

Material Fee Rates set for 2024

The AMS Board of Directors has approved material fee rates for 2024 that are unchanged from 2023 rates. The rates in the table below will apply to Q1 2024 sales quantity reports due April 30, with invoices issued May 1.

Fee rate stability for 2024 sales reflects the completion of the transition period and normalized operations for collection and processing of materials. Read more »

AMS Sets 2023 Fee Rates

The AMS Board of Directors has approved material fee rates for 2023. The rates in the table below will apply to Q1 2023 sales quantity reports due April 30, with invoices issued May 1.

Video Overview
Background and details about 2023 fee rates are available in a 10-minute video presentation from AMS Executive Director David Pearce. Read more »

AMS Board of Directors Update

Automotive Materials Stewardship is pleased to announce recent updates to its Board of Directors.

The AMS Board is a volunteer-based leadership group. The Directors work for companies that produce, distribute or sell antifreeze, oil filters or oil containers in Ontario.

David Fifield and Peter Laing were both re-elected to new three-year terms as Directors. Read more »

AMS Disbursing Final MHSW Funds

AMS is disbursing payments to members of its Industry Stewardship Plan (ISP) that ceased operations September 30, 2021, following the recent transfer of $1.3 million from Stewardship Ontario’s administrative wind up of the MHSW Program. The transfer represents the AMS share of MHSW residual funds.

In July 2020, AMS received $18.6 million from Stewardship Ontario as its share of MHSW Program reserves and introduced fee reductions for all material categories to distribute the funds to ISP members. Read more »

AMS Welcomes Executive Director

From Dave Fifield, AMS Board Chair

On behalf of the AMS Board of Directors, I am pleased to share with you that David Pearce has accepted the role of Executive Director. David is well known to many of you from his time as Managing Director at Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance, during which he provided strategic and operational support to AMS.

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AMS PRO extends current fee schedule for 2022

The AMS Board of Directors has set 2022 fee rates for producer responsibility organization (PRO) customers that are unchanged from the published rates for Q3 and Q4 2021.

Rates for 2022 sales are summarized in the table below for each material’s unit of measure.

AMS is committed to predictable fee rates by providing customers ample notice and works to maintain rate stability.  Read more »

AMS providing historical reporting data for RPRA registration

AMS members are reminded that the new regulatory framework for recycling that takes effect October 1, 2021, requires all producers to register with the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) by November 30.

RPRA registration requires producers to provide the total weight of each applicable Hazardous and Special Product (HSP) material supplied in Ontario in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Read more »

AMS Update to Stakeholders from Board Chair

September 23, 2021
All AMS producers, service providers and other stakeholders are encouraged to review this update from Board Chair David Fifield that provides details on our transition to a Producer Responsibility Organization on October 1, 2021, including:
  • Management Independence
  • Confidential Data Management and Governance
More information about AMS and its PRO transition is available on the AMS website.
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AMS PRO Webinar – September 21, 2021

All producers of antifreeze, oil containers and oil filters are invited to a September 21 webinar hosted by Automotive Materials Stewardship to review registration and reporting for its Producer Responsibility Organization, or PRO. Click the link below to register.
Established in 2017 by producers for producers, AMS provides the best solution to meet your obligations as Ontario prepares for a new regulatory framework for recycling automotive materials when the Hazardous and Special Products Regulation takes effect October 1.
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AMS provides required member 2020 data to RPRA

Automotive Materials Stewardship today made information disclosures to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) that include member-specific data.
RPRA sent AMS a Notice of Compliance Requirement to provide data on “the kilograms supplied in 2020 for each material category – Antifreeze, Oil Containers and Oil Filters – disaggregated by steward including steward name.”
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Welcome to the Producers’ PRO – July Webinar

The Directors of Automotive Materials Stewardship are pleased to introduce our Producer Responsibility Organization, or PRO.

Established in 2017 by producers for producers, AMS is committed to providing the best solution to meet your obligations as Ontario transitions to a new regulatory framework for recycling automotive materials.

AMS is uniquely able to offer producers a low-risk, turn-key compliance solution built on a proven track record as a not for profit that has delivered stable fees and strong supply-chain performance. Read more »

AMS announces prospective Q3 fees for AMS PRO

Recognizing that many producers require cost information prior to the beginning of each quarter, the AMS Board has approved fee rates for the Q3 2021 sales period (July 1 to September 30) to provide guidance for prospective customers of the AMS Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO).

The Board acknowledges the challenges created by short notice periods for fee changes necessitated by the delay in the regulatory transition. Read more »

AMS submits recommendations on draft HSP Regulation

Automotive Materials Stewardship has submitted its feedback on the draft Hazardous or Special Products (HSP) Regulation that was released on February 11 for a 45-day consultation period, ending March 28.

The AMS submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and the draft regulation can be downloaded from the AMS website. Read more »

Base fee and fee reduction rate adjustments for antifreeze and oil containers

Automotive Materials Stewardship is adjusting base fee rates and fee reduction rates for antifreeze, antifreeze containers and oil containers on the invoices for Q1 sales data to be distributed May 3.

The adjustments leave the net fee rate for each material unchanged. The base fee and reduction rates for oil filters are unchanged, maintaining the current net rate of $0.00. Read more »

Draft recycling regulation released for consultation

A draft of the new Ontario regulation for recycling Hazardous and Special Products (HSP), including antifreeze, oil containers and oil filters, was released on February 11 for a 45-day consultation period. The final regulation will introduce significant changes to how producers will meet their obligations for their materials.

Background information and the draft regulation are available on the AMS website. Read more »