AMS to participate in consultations on MHSW surplus funds Members of Automotive Materials Stewardship are advised that Stewardship Ontario will be consulting with stakeholders in May on amendments to the MHSW Wind Up Plan related to the management of surplus funds. The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks recently sent Stewardship Ontario a letter directing the organization to develop amendments to the approved MHSW Wind Up Plan which would return 100% of material-specific surplus funds to Industry Stewardship Organizations in one lump sum transfer. Consultation webinars are scheduled for May 12 and 13. Registration and further information are available here. Questions can be directed to AMS will be participating in the consultation and advocating for the best interests of the program and its members. We extend our deepest thanks to AMS members for your efforts to keep your co-workers and neighbours healthy and safe in response to the COVID-19 situation. The Steward Services team is available to provide assistance at 1-888-575-4870 or