RPRA consultation on MHSW reserve funds The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) recently released for consultation the MHSW Wind Up Plan submitted by Stewardship Ontario. The Wind Up Plan and details on RPRA’s consultation sessions are available here. Automotive Materials Stewardship is pleased that Stewardship Ontario has recommended a fee reduction approach for all materials, including those managed by Industry Stewardship Plans, as the method to distribute MHSW Program reserves. If the Wind Up Plan is approved by RPRA, AMS members will receive their proportionate share of approximately $22 million in reserves held by Stewardship Ontario for the material managed under our program. The Stewardship Ontario recommendation is the most efficient and fair means of delivering value to residential and commercial consumers as it enables stewards to make informed decisions about how best to engage the marketplace. AMS members are encouraged to participate in the consultation process and to submit to RPRA letters of support for the proposed reserve distribution via fee reduction. A template submission letter for member companies is available here. Any questions can be directed to stewards@autostewardship.ca.